About Us

About Select Wood Works Inc

Born on a farm in western WI, Paul Walz(President of Select Woodworks) has been working in the laminate cabinet business for over 35 years. His brother Richard started Walz Craft in western WI with different goals in mind as it is now a millwork company of 250 employees and now run by his son Brad after Richard’s death Paul started his own business 8 years ago.

He had the foresight to buy the right automated machinery so that he could compete with the big boys with equipment and quality of product, but with lower overhead. By specializing in only laminate cabinets, we can do near perfect cabinets without chipping or other imperfections.

About Select Wood Works

Terry Anderson has now joined Select Woodworks

Terry Anderson has now joined Select Woodworks to bring his expertise to the company. Terry started, ran, and sold 4 businesses including a $185,000,000/year computer manufacturing company with 400 employees. Terry is bringing S W into the 21st century with all the elements that a growing company needs. As a mechanical engineer, Terry, who likes to work with numbers, is assuming the role of sales manager and doing the quotes for the company as well as installing a quality control program, business plan, projections and many more enhancements to the company which is now poised for solid growth.

We look forward to serving many more clients who want to be a part of a dynamic forward-moving company.

Our Values and Beliefs

Why are our Values and Beliefs important to you the client, you the employee, and you the supplier?

Our values and beliefs define who we are and it is important for you the client, employee, or supplier to know who you are dealing with. Hopefully, you share value systems with us which helps build a strong bond between us and allows a free flow of communications and trust.


The cornerstone of our existence; we demand it of ourselves and expect it of our business partners.


People are the core of our strengths, providing our expertise and determining our success. Employee growth and involvement is our way of life and we treat each other as a team with trust and respect.


We are intensely focused on long-term, mutually rewarding partnerships built upon integrity, trust, continuous satisfaction and open communication.


We define quality as understanding our customers’ unique needs and expectations and continually meeting or exceeding them.

High Standards

We hold ourselves to higher standards than is expected by our customers, employees and suppliers.

Passion, Enthusiasm, and Commitment

We work with passion whatever our job. We all see the big picture whatever our job is thru open communications meant to bring us together as a team. Without enthusiasm and commitment we are just another ordinary company. 


Flexibility is built into our systems to meet the changing requirements of our customers and employees.


A team singularly focused and cemented by trust and integrity is a powerful force, greater than the sum of its parts.


We seek to earn the trust of our clients, business partners and our fellow employees by not wavering from our Values and Beliefs.

We offer laminate cabinetry to the medium and lower Quantity commercial field


Frequently Ask Questions

How can a small shop be competitive?

Answer- We have the latest CNC and other highly automated equipment as with most larger shops, but our overhead is lower

Can we ship economically across the US?

Answer- If you are willing to assemble the cabinets on site, we can ship all the parts of the cabinets strapped to pallets for maximum efficiency of space in a truck

Does a small company have the expertise to do a wide variety of laminate work?

Answer- Our president has been in the laminate business for over 35 years and done almost everything that can be done to laminate and has the equipment and know how to get it done.